CME that Counts for MOC: New, Unified Program Guide

We’re happy to announce the release of a new, unified CME for MOC Program Guide, webpage, and new resources. We’ve produced these resources in response to your feedback. Our goal is to provide streamlined, user-friendly information to help you plan and deliver CME activities that count for MOC.

New Resources

  • CME for MOC Program Guide: This unified guide replaces the individual guides for each certifying board. You will now find requirements that are common across all of the boards collaborating with the ACCME in one main section, followed by sections for board-specific requirements. We’ve also included tables giving you a quick overview of the terminology used by the different boards.
  • CME that Counts for MOC Webpage: This unified webpage combines and streamlines the information from the individual CME for MOC webpages, making it easier to find the information you need.
  • CME for MOC Beginner's Guide: A high-level overview for providers new to the CME for MOC process. This guide should be used in conjunction with the CME for MOC Program Guide.
  • CME for MOC Evaluation Guide: Also included in the Program Guide, this standalone version provides examples and descriptions of evaluation tools and feedback methods that you can use in your activities that offer MOC credit.
  • CME for MOC Activity Planning Worksheet: Also included in the Program Guide, this standalone version is intended to assist you in understanding and tracking your progress toward meeting MOC requirements.

No New Requirements

While the resources are new, the requirements for the collaborating boards have not changed. If you are already offering your activities for MOC or Continuing Certification credit, you do not need to make any changes to your existing activities. When updates are made to any of the boards’ programs, or when we add new boards to the collaboration, we will update the program guide and webpage, and we will notify you by email.

We hope that you find the new resources helpful! If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at