About Accreditation
The purpose of accreditation is to provide a framework to assure quality learning for healthcare professionals that drives improvements in patient care.

Why Accreditation?
Value of Accredited CME
Aspiring physicians spend four years in medical school and three to five years in residency training. For the rest of their careers, physicians rely on accredited CME to improve performance and patient health outcomes.
How It Works
Accredited organizations are responsible for demonstrating that they meet requirements for delivering independent CME that accelerates learning, change, and improvement in healthcare.
Accredited organizations are responsible for demonstrating that they meet requirements for delivering independent CME that accelerates learning, change, and improvement in healthcare.
Only certain organizations are eligible to receive ACCME accreditation. The ACCME accredits organizations that provide continuing medical education for physicians. The ACCME does not accredit individual educational activities.
ACCME’s multitiered process provides the checks and balances necessary to ensure fair and accurate decisions. In addition, the ACCME uses a criterion-referenced decision-making system to ensure fairness, consistency, and accuracy.
The accreditation and reaccreditation decision-making process assesses a CME provider’s compliance with the accreditation requirements. Based on these compliance findings, the ACCME decides on the provider’s accreditation status.

Partners and Collaborators
Colleague Accreditors
The ACCME collaborates with a range of organizations to help empower them in their goals to improve patient care.
Global CME
Accreditation Beyond Borders
ACCME empowers educators around the world to develop innovative and independent continuing education for the health professions.