ACCMEAbout AccreditationThe Value of CME

The Value of CME

ACCME has developed #AccreditedCMEDelivers, a resource to help you communicate the value of your work and the critical difference CME can make for healthcare organizations.

Start a Conversation

As an accredited continuing education provider, you play a key role in improving the knowledge and performance of your physician learners. Communicating the value of your work can create an even greater impact. Our one-pager helps you demonstrate how accredited CME helps organizations improve patient safety, control spending, prevent physician burnout, and more.

The evidence is in. Accredited CME:

Improves patient safety
Controls spending
Increases physician recruitment and retention
Protects physician learners
Uses teams to improve care
Expands preventative care
Tell Your Story

Start Your Social Media Campaign

ACCME has created a series of campaign graphics for you to use on your social media platforms. These evidence-based messages can help healthcare leaders and colleagues in your network understand the incredibly valuable role you and your CME team play in addressing some of healthcare’s most difficult challenges.

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