ACCMEAccreditation ProcessJoint Providership

Joint Providership

Joint providership gives accredited organizations the opportunity to collaborate with nonaccredited organizations to enhance the diversity and value of their educational offerings.

Accountability of the ACCME-accredited Provider

To ensure that joint providership contributes to the planning and implementation of CME activities in compliance with ACCME expectations, accredited providers should be aware of the due diligence required.

The ACCME expects all CME activities to be in compliance with the ACCME Criteria, the Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education, and policies. In cases of joint providership, it is the ACCME-accredited provider’s responsibility to be able to demonstrate this compliance to the ACCME. Additionally, several ACCME policies outline specific requirements for joint providership.

Who is Eligible to Engage in Joint Providership?

ACCME-accredited providers with an accreditation status of Provisional Accreditation, Accreditation, or Accreditation with Commendation are permitted to engage in joint providership. If an ACCME-accredited provider receives an accreditation status of Probation, it may not jointly provide CME activities with nonaccredited providers, with the exception of those activities that were contracted prior to the probation decision. (A provider that is placed on Probation must inform the ACCME of all existing joint providership relationships, and must notify its current contracted joint providers of its probationary status.)

Ineligible companies cannot engage in the joint providership of accredited CME activities.

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