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Demonstrates Creativity/Innovation: #1 - Compliance

The provider enhanced regularly scheduled series (RSS), or "grand rounds", activities presented in collaboration with healthcare facilities through the identification of a “Program Champion” in each facility who is a local expert and resource to lead discussions with faculty and follow up on team… More

Demonstrates Creativity/Innovation: #2 - Compliance

The provider implemented a new learning management system to enhance learner engagement and enrollment. The provider also launched a mobile app to allow learners to evaluate each session in real time, keep track of sessions they attended, and the amount of credit they could claim at the end of the… More

Demonstrates Creativity/Innovation: #3 - Compliance

The provider developed internet enduring versions of a large number of its CME Grand Rounds and regularly scheduled series (RSS) sessions. This has allowed for the creation of over 100 on-demand learning topics that have also been utilized by its GME department for onboarding incoming residents (e.… More

Demonstrates Creativity/Innovation: #4 - Noncompliance

In one example, the provider described updates to an end-of-life care module series where the provider described updates to the series, such as changes to reflect contemporary terminology and best practices. These changes did not demonstrate that the provider had implemented innovations in its CME… More

Demonstrates Creativity/Innovation: #5 - Noncompliance

The provider described a new website that is being planned for the future. Therefore, this example does not represent an innovation that has been implemented during the current accreditation term.