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In the Spring of 2023, ACCME solicited your input on ways to make learner credit reporting easier, and you asked for help to ease the administrative effort for learner credit reporting. With this in mind, we created a new feature in PARS to help accredited providers already reporting Maintenance of Certification/Continuing Certification (MOC/CC) credits.

About the New Feature
If you’re already reporting MOC/CC credits, ACCME will now perform a credit match – resulting in the creation of a CME credit that corresponds to the MOC/CC learner credit that you are reporting. This means that if you are reporting MOC/CC credits, you do not have to report the CME credit. ACCME will do that for you! Your physician learners can then create a free profile in CME Passport and see the credit reported as both MOC/CC and CME for their state licensing board.

If you are reporting only CME credits, please continue to do so – this feature does not impact credits being reported for CME alone.
As more state licensing boards utilize PARS for licensure audits, you can help your physicians by keeping their CME records current.
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