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What steps should a provider take to ensure that our content can go on an online or social media platform?

Providers should ensure that the hosting platform is not an ineligible company, and will not:

  • Track or manage learner information without the learners’ permission.
  • Use learner information for subsequent targeted advertising without learners’ permission.
  • Permit the dissemination, reposting, or processing by an artificial intelligence engine of the intellectual property content of the material without the poster’s consent and approval.
  • Allow marketing material to appear around, within or adjacent to the content itself.
  • Allow marketing or promotion by or for ineligible companies to appear immediately before or after the accredited activity without an opportunity for the learner to choose not to participate or view the content.
  • The platform will continue to follow these expectations for as long as the material is present on their site. 

Several platforms offer tools to providers to control how material on their sites are handled. Providers should ensure they have sufficient confidence that the tools offer the service promised, and then select the appropriate controls when posting materials.

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