ACCMERulesUtilizes Support Strategies


Utilizes Support Strategies

The provider utilizes support strategies to enhance change as an adjunct to its CME.

Table of contents

About the Rule


This criterion recognizes providers that create, customize, or make available supplemental services (e.g., reminders) and/or resources (e.g., online instructional material, apps) that are designed to reinforce or sustain change.

Critical Elements

  • Utilizes support strategies to enhance change as an adjunct to CME activities AND
  • Conducts a periodic analysis to determine the effectiveness of the support strategies, and plans improvements

The Standard

  • Attest to meeting this criterion in at least 10% of activities (but no less than two) during the accreditation term.
  • At review, submit evidence for this number of activities:*
    • S: 2; M: 4; L: 6; XL: 8
    • *Program Size by Activities per Term: S (small): <39; M (medium): 40 -100; L (large): 101-250; XL (extra large): >250

Key Concepts and Definitions

Key Concept:

The ACCME expects that periodic analysis of support strategies would occur at least once for each strategy during the accreditation term. The provider should additionally demonstrate how the support strategy evolved following the analysis.