ACCMERulesOptimizes Technical/Procedural Skills


Optimizes Technical/Procedural Skills

The provider designs CME to optimize technical and procedural skills of learners.

Table of contents

About the Rule


Technical and procedural skills that are psychomotor in nature are essential to many aspects of professional practice, and need to be learned, updated, reinforced, and reassessed. Some examples of these skills are operative skill, device use, procedures, physical examination, specimen preparation, resuscitation, and critical incident management. This criterion recognizes providers that offer CME to help learners gain, retain, or improve technical and/or procedural skills.

Critical Elements

  • Provides CME addressing psychomotor technical and/or procedural skills AND
  • Includes an evaluation of observed (e.g., in person or video) psychomotor technical and/or procedural skill AND
  • Provides formative feedback to the learner about psychomotor technical and/or procedural skill

The Standard

  • At review, submit evidence for this number of activities:*
    • S: 2; M: 4; L: 6; XL: 8
    • *Program Size by Activities per Term: S (small): <39; M (medium): 40 -100; L (large): 101-250; XL (extra large): >250