ACCMEPerformance Improvement/Quality Improvements Activities

August 26, 2024

Performance Improvement/Quality Improvements Activities

Accreditation Process
Data Management & Reporting

A performance/quality improvement activity is structured as a three-stage process by which a physician or group of physicians learn about specific performance measures, assess their practice using the selected performance measures, implement interventions to improve performance related to these measures over a useful interval of time, and then reassess their practice using the same performance measures.

For credits, specify the amount of time you believe a learner would take to complete the performance improvement activity. The number of learners should reflect the distinct number of learners engaged in the performance improvement activity.

Each performance/quality improvement activity should be reported for a maximum of a 12-month period. If this activity is available for longer than 12 months, it should be reported as a separate activity each year in which it is available.

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