ACCMELive Course Definition

August 21, 2024

Live Course Definition

Accreditation Process
Data Management & Reporting

Live Course

A live course is a live activity where the learner participates in real time. A live course is planned as an individual event. A live course can either be classified as an in-person event or live-streamed via an online platform. Examples of a live course could be an annual meeting, one-off conference, or seminar.

For events with multiple sessions, such as annual meetings, accredited providers report one activity and calculate the credit by totaling the hours of all educational sessions.

To calculate the total numbers of learners, accredited providers report the number of learners for the overall event.

If the same live course is held multiple times for different audiences (ex: ACLS trainings held in different locations), then each instance is reported as a separate activity.

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