ACCMELearning from Teaching Activities Definition

August 21, 2024

Learning from Teaching Activities Definition

Accreditation Process
Data Management & Reporting

Learning from Teaching Activities

Learning from teaching activities are personal learning projects designed and implemented by the learner with facilitation from the accredited provider. This type of activity recognizes the learning that occurs as physicians prepare to teach. Learning from teaching represents a range of activities in which an accredited provider can facilitate practice-based learning and improvement – where the ‘practice’ could be the person’s professional “teaching practice” or “clinical practice” or “research practice.”

Examples of learning from teaching activities:

To prepare for teaching a skills workshop at a surgical specialty society meeting, physician faculty find that they need to learn how to operate a new laparoscopic device that will be used during the workshop. The specialty society, as an accredited provider, facilitates their training on the new device as a learning from teaching activity for the faculty prior to their teaching engagement.

An accredited provider makes available a learning from teaching activity for new faculty in the form of “individualized learning projects.” In the activity, new faculty assess what knowledge and skills they need to teach more effectively, and then the provider makes available training and feedback to improve the new faculty members’ teaching skills. This includes one-to-one mentorship and training with educational experts.

When you report learning from teaching in PARS, aggregate your data for learning from teaching for all learners into one activity. The number of learners should equal the number of individuals who participated in this activity. The amount of credit may be reported as the maximum amount of credit a learner could earn for a learning from teaching activity.

For example, a provider created a learning from teaching activity for 10 learners. The maximum number of credits a learner could earn over the 12-month period was 10 credits. In PARS, the provider would report this as a learning from teaching activity with 10 learners and 10 credits.

Each learning from teaching activity should be reported for a maximum of a 12-month period.If this activity is available for longer than 12 months, it should be reported as a separate activity each year in which it is available.

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