ACCMEInternet Searching and Learning Activities

August 26, 2024

Internet Searching and Learning Activities

Accreditation Process
Data Management & Reporting

An internet searching and learning activity is an activity in which a physician engages in self-directed, online learning on topics relevant to their clinical practice from a database whose content has been vetted by an accredited CME provider. This type of activity is based on a learner identifying a problem in practice and then accessing content in search of an answer from sources on the Internet that are facilitated by a provider. For the purpose of data collection, the ACCME includes AMA-defined point of care CME as a form of internet searching and learning.

When you report internet searching and learning in PARS, aggregate and report all your data for internet searching and learning for all learners into one activity. You should not enter each individual article that could be accessed by a learner participating in your activity as a separate activity in PARS. The number of learners should equal the distinct number of learners who participated in the internet searching and learning activity.

For example, a provider creates an internet searching learning activity in which 50 learners participate. Each learner spent approximately 30 minutes participating in this activity. In PARS, the provider would report this as an internet searching and learning activity, with 50 learners and 0.5 credits.

Each internet searching and learning activity should be reported for a maximum of a 12-month period. If this activity is available for longer than 12 months, it should be reported as a separate activity each year in which it is available.

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