ACCMEEngaging Patients in CME: A Closer Look at Criterion 24

April 10, 2018

Engaging Patients in CME: A Closer Look at Criterion 24

Accreditation Process
Accreditation Process, Accreditation with Commendation, CME Community, Criteria, Policies & Standards, Re-Accreditation

CME is enhanced when it incorporates the interests of those who are served by the healthcare system. That’s why we included Criterion 24 in the Menu of Criteria for Accreditation with Commendation. Criterion 24 recognizes providers that incorporate patient and/or public representatives as planners and faculty in planning and delivery of CME.

As members of the education team, patients, families, caregivers, and other members of the public can increase the relevance, meaning, and impact of CME. Patients, for example, often become experts in their condition, closely observe clinicians and the practice environment, and experience the intimacy of clinical encounters. Through sharing their experiences, they can provide essential feedback and can guide educators and clinicians in meeting their needs and priorities.

The following resources are designed to help as you develop activities that meet the expectations of Criterion 24.

Educational Resources

Other Resources

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