ACCMEACCME, ACPE, and ANCC Response to FDA Proposal for Standardizing and Evaluating REMS

December 16, 2014

ACCME, ACPE, and ANCC Response to FDA Proposal for Standardizing and Evaluating REMS

Accreditation Process
CME Community, Data Management & Reporting, REMS

The ACCME, the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), issued this joint response to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) report Standardizing and Evaluating Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS). In their letter, the ACCME, ACPE, and ANCC said: “As the national continuing education accreditors for the professions of medicine, pharmacy, and nursing, we share the FDA’s aspiration to leverage the accredited continuing education (CE) system to deliver REMS to health care professionals, as described in your report Standardizing and Evaluating Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS)…. We believe that accredited CE can play a significant role in addressing the patient safety issues identified in REMS. We appreciate that the FDA recognizes the value of accredited CE and is exploring how to leverage the accredited CE system to carry out these important public health initiatives.”

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