ACCMEComplianceUtilizes Support Strategies: #1 Example of Compliance

Utilizes Support Strategies: #1 Example of Compliance

As an adjunct to an activity on improving care for men with prostate cancer, the provider developed a resource guide for those navigating prostate cancer care plans within a metropolitan area. The effectiveness was measured by counting the number of downloads of the document within 3 months of the activity. The number of downloads met the provider’s expectations and they are continuing to use this strategy adjunctive to similar activities. In another example, the provider followed a previous activity on the use of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) with adjunctive online courses for office staff. The provider polled its learners on the effectiveness of the strategy, and, as a result of positive responses from the learners and data on access to the the online materials, the provider has continued to offer this strategy in subsequent years.

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