ACCMERulesEngages Patients/Public


Engages Patients/Public

Patient/public representatives are engaged in the planning and delivery of CME.

Table of contents

About the Rule


Accredited continuing medical education (CME) is enhanced when it incorporates the interests of the people who are served by the healthcare system. This can be achieved when patients and/or public representatives are engaged in the planning and delivery of CME. This criterion recognizes providers that incorporate patient and/or public representatives as planners and faculty in the accredited program.

Critical Elements

  • Includes planners who are patients and/or public representatives AND
  • Includes faculty who are patients and/or public representatives

The Standard

  • Attest to meeting this criterion in at least 10% of activities (but no less than two) during the accreditation term.
  • At review, submit evidence for this number of activities:*
    • S: 2; M: 4; L: 6; XL: 8
    • *Program Size by Activities per Term: S (small): <39; M (medium): 40 -100; L (large): 101-250; XL (extra large): >250

Key Concepts and Definitions

Key Concept:
Providers have broad latitude in how they define the roles of planners and faculty – as appropriate to their CME program and activities. For example, a patient or public representative could serve on a planning committee to advise the provider, could be a speaker, or could be a participant in a case-based discussion during an accredited CME activity.

Key Concept:
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) does not prohibit the use of patients as faculty, planners, or learners in accredited CME as long as their permission has been received.

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